Sunday, February 14, 2010

BLOG 2's good ol blog number 2. I'm not exactly sure what this blog is supposed to be about, but I know it's due Monday, so I'm just going to tell you about how things are going.

Now that we are more deep into this semester than we were for the first blog, I feel the same for the most part. I am still enjoying my classes and I'm still excited to be in them. I've taken my first exam in all of my classes, and have gotten all of my scores back except one. I did well on all of them, and I'm doing much better in all of my classes than I did last semester. Which is good, and helps keep me motivated.

I am still in ROTC and I still like it. I think I am going to contract with the National Guard sometime soon....but we'll see. I recently signed a lease on a house to live in next year. It's a 4 bedroom house on the corner of 7th and Park St. The location is awesome, and I'm excited to live with the people I'm living with. I'm living with 4 others guys who all currently live on my floor. One is from Philly, on from New Jersey, on from Chicago, and one from Wisconsin. It's going to be very different, but I can't wait and I think it will be a good time.

Other than that, school is going much better, I have been practicing better habbits, and I feel good overall. ..CAN'T WAIT TILL SPRING BREAK!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the good work so far, Sam! And you are going to love living off campus. :)
