Friday, January 22, 2010

Blog 1

Here I am, writing this blog for the good ole X158. What a blast....Although I'd much rather being playing basketball, eating, partying, or even sleeping, I guess it's a lot better than writing a paper or reading Shakespeare. Why am I writing this anyway? Well I guess because my first semester at IU was a lot of fun..obviously too much. A mixture of too much socializing, not enough studying, and aweful attendence have landed me right here on

What to do now? Well this semester is completely different in a number of ways, many of which I believe to be for the better. I'm not new to this whole college thing. I know where everything is, and how everything (well..most things) works. I'm enrolled in an entirely different set of classes. Classes that I am actually interested in and excited to take. Hopefully that in itself will make a huge difference. On top of that I now know what type of schedule not to set up i.e. one with 8 a.m. classes. With my earliest class being at 11:15 I'm sure to be awake. I've made another huge change this semester. I joined the Army ROTC program. Which at first may not seem like a good idea. Why, when I had trouble handling just my class last semester, would I add all of that commitment and responsibility on top?? Great question..but I think I have the answer. I think (and so far I have been correct) that joining the ROTC program will motivate me to do well and force me to stay on the right track. I HAVE to get up at 5 a.m. three days a week to do PT, which sounds miserable to most. However I've come to realize that because I have wake up at 5 a.m. I am also able to force myself to go to bed at a reasonable hour so I can get plenty of sleep. Once I've woken and been to PT, it's 7 o'clock and I have plenty of time to eat a good breakfast and get all kinds of work done before my classes even start. Although I don't necissarily enjoy when my alarm rings at 5 a.m., after I'm up and going it's nice to have the entire day ahead of me and plenty of time to get done all of the things I need to do. That way, I don't feel stressed and rushed...I've come to find out that there is a lot more time in one day than I realized.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, okay . . I promise to get out of bed before 9AM tomorrow :)
